Thursday, June 7, 2012

Rogue River 44 miles, 4 days

On Monday we started on our 40 mile hike down the Rogue River in Oregon.  The first day we hiked 11 miles to the Black Bar Lodge.  Most of today's hike was up and down the cliffs.  We has sun on and off for most of the morning and showers in the afternoon
Tuesday we started out on our 14 mile hike to Marial Lodge.  Here is Andy filling my sipper filter from one of the streams entering the river.  Showers in the morning and rain in the afternoon.
Wednesday we had a shorter rest day.  We started out with a 2.5 mile hike to the Rogue River Lodge which has been turned into a museum of the history of the river.  The rest of the hike was only 4 miles to Paradise Lodge (our nicest lodge).  We had beautiful sun all day.
Thursday was our last day of hiking.  The pressure was that we had to do 12 miles and be at the take out point by 2pm....we made it. We woke up this morning to rain and had showers most of the day.  This is Flora Dell one of the stops along the way.  We crossed over 30 plus streams on the way down the river.  44 miles is long way in 4 days but it sure was beautiful.  The scenery was constantly changing.

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