Tuesday, June 26, 2012


We thought that we would be home Sunday night.  Jim and Mackenzie had come in to see Grandma and were leaving Sunday night.  The car had a different idea and it is in the shop here in Flagstaff have the transmission rebuilt.  We have spent the last two days hiking in the mountains and hope to leave for home this afternoon.  It has been a spectacular trip, beautiful sights and wonderful hiking.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Hiking the Canyons & Deer Valley

We have come to the last couple of days here in Park City.  Thursday, we took the chairlift in the Canyons and hiked up at the top.  Today we took the chair all the way to the top of Deer Valley.  It was like being on top of the world as you can see from these pictures.  While we were hiking down to the day lodge the rest of the group met Karl Rove in the Stein Erickson lodge.  Tomorrow we leave for home.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

ATV Ride

Once again we took a great ATV ride through the mountains behind Heber.  What fun (but dirty).  In the afternoon we took a bike ride from Park City to Kimball Junction and back.  Very tired that night.

Ogden Museums

Monday we drove to Ogden to the Museum.  In the same building they have the Train Museum, the Browning Firearms Museum and the Browning Kimball Classic Car Museum.  It was a fun and very informative trip.  They had great docents here.

Park Silly Street Fair

Sunday is the day of the Main Street street fair.  It is always a fun morning.  In the afternoon we went up to the ski area and did the Alpine Slide.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Park City

We have arrived in Park City at the Raintree Miners Club.  Sue, Tom, Jim & Vicky have arrived as well and we just love this place.  Today we did the Silly Sunday street fair and the Alpine Slide at Park City Ski Area.

Shingle Creek hike

Saturday morning we took a hike up Shingle Creek.  This is my favorite hike in the area.  Below is a beaver dam along the trail.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Unitas Mountains Utah

 We are up in the mountains near Park City.  We have been here two or three times before and love this area.  The upper picture is Long Lake which was a 4 mile hike to.
This is Fehr Lake, it was just a half mile hike to.  Saturday we meet our friends in Park City.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Twin Falls

We are spending the night in a hotel tonight.  It gave us a chance to see the town of Twin Falls and visit the Shoshone Falls.  It was incredible.  Tomorrow we head down to Utah to meet friends on Saturday.

Three Island Crossing State Park

We stopped here for lunch.  This is the area where the Oregon Trail pioneers crossed the Snake River.  There was a great visitor center with all sorts of displays.

Cultus Lake

This was steps from our campsite on Cultus Lake.  We were able to get in a two hour kayak in the morning before the wind came up.

Lava Cave Hike

When we left Newberry Volcanic National Park we stopped by the Lava Cave.  This cave is a mile long.  We used flashlights but the also rent Coleman lanterns to make the hike.  It was really cool inside but as you can see we dressed for it.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Newwberry Volcanic National Monument

Well...we left the rain to arrive in the snow.  This is an area that we had never heard of before.  We saw some information about it in one of our travel magazines.  The area is just beautiful.  Very much like Crater Lake it is in a caldera but there are two lakes.  Paulina and East Lake.  Very forested and as you can see from our campsite.  This morning the sun is out but we are moving on to where we can use the kayak.

Highway 138

After a night in Grants Pass we drove to Roseburg and then east on Highway 138.  This is a beautiful area with more than 30 waterfalls that you can hike to.  We had the most wonderful campsite right along the river.
This is Watson Falls.  It is the third highest falls in Oregon.  Very impressive.  We decided to move on after one night due to the rain.  Decided that we had had enough rain and we looking for the sun.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Rogue River 44 miles, 4 days

On Monday we started on our 40 mile hike down the Rogue River in Oregon.  The first day we hiked 11 miles to the Black Bar Lodge.  Most of today's hike was up and down the cliffs.  We has sun on and off for most of the morning and showers in the afternoon
Tuesday we started out on our 14 mile hike to Marial Lodge.  Here is Andy filling my sipper filter from one of the streams entering the river.  Showers in the morning and rain in the afternoon.
Wednesday we had a shorter rest day.  We started out with a 2.5 mile hike to the Rogue River Lodge which has been turned into a museum of the history of the river.  The rest of the hike was only 4 miles to Paradise Lodge (our nicest lodge).  We had beautiful sun all day.
Thursday was our last day of hiking.  The pressure was that we had to do 12 miles and be at the take out point by 2pm....we made it. We woke up this morning to rain and had showers most of the day.  This is Flora Dell one of the stops along the way.  We crossed over 30 plus streams on the way down the river.  44 miles is long way in 4 days but it sure was beautiful.  The scenery was constantly changing.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sierra City Area

This is a view of Sierra Buttes.  We are in the Sierra City area and there are probably 40 plus lakes in the area.
This is one of the Tamarak Lakes that we hiked to on Friday afternoon.
In the morning we kayaked two different lakes.  This one is Goose Lake.
Reilly loves the kayaking as well as the hiking.  The weather has been terrific.  Warm almost hot days and cool nights.  We are staying in a campground right on a rushing river and we are the one ones in the campground.