Thursday, January 21, 2016


 We have come up for a week of hiking in Sedona.  There has been so much rain this year that the rivers are really running.
 Usually there are just small pools in this area.


Reilly loves the water.
This was today.  There was snow Tuesday night before we got here.  It is cold enough that the snow is staying in the canyons.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Northstar at Tahoe


 Today the sun finally came out but it was 18 degrees when we left to ski this morning.
 It was a beautiful day and you could finally see the lake.
In the shadows and some areas the snow was still coated in the trees.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Northstar at Tahoe

After 3 years of little snow it finally arrived.
 Hopefully we will be able to get our car out on Saturday.