Thursday, July 31, 2014

Rafting in Park City

 We have spent the week in Park City with our friends, Jim & Vicki Varing and Tom and Sue Barker.
 Today we went rafting on the Weber River.
It was a beautiful day and lots of fun.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Fun with the Hummingbirds

This year we purchased an inexpensive hummingbird feed to keep in the trailer.  We have had more fun watching the birds at each campsite.  They are very jealous of the feeder and try to keep other birds away.  We have had to fill it twice.  On Hwy 150 Andy added a branch so they could sit and feed.

The Notch

Today we hiked past Wall Lake to the top of the Notch.  This is the view down the opposite side from the top.

Notch Lake hike

 We are in Utah now up Hwy 150.  We hike today to Bench Lake which is the lake past Notch Lake.
Notch Lake

Monday, July 21, 2014

Grand Mesa Co, Crags Crest Hike

 Andy gets the hiking award for doing this 11 mile hike on a narrow trail.

 The wildflowers are beautiful

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Ice Lake Basin hike

 Ice Lake basin is a beautiful destination.  6 miles RT and 1600 feet in elevation.  I do not know if it is the 17 pounds I lost or the bike training we have been doing but I did much better than last year.
 It was a perfect day.

Hike to Crater Lake

 Thursday we did the 11.5 mile RT hike to Crater Lake. 
 It was a beautiful day and a great hike which included 1300 feet in elevation gain.
We met Steve and Randa for dinner that night in Silverton.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Coal pass to Engineer Mt.

 This is our favorite hike.
 The wildflowers are amazing.

Potato Lake hike

 Today we hike to Potato Lake.
 This was the lily pond at the start of the hike.

 We brought a hummingbird feeder on this trip and had good success.
Beaver house

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Feeding time at home

 I love watching the finches feed outside of our kitchen window,  After an inch and a quarter of rain everything is clean and beautiful.