Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas with Great-grandma

This is Mom's 100th Christmas.  She will be 100 next March.  We are very blessed.
Christmas Eve at St. Andrew's with Karin playing in the orchestra.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Early Christmas

 Jim, Heather, Cole and Mackenzie came in from California on Saturday for an early Christmas.  The kids had a great time at the local park with playing and some bicycle riding.
Cole and Mackenzie got to pretend that they were horseback riding.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas Program

 Saturday night the orchestra (with Karin playing the violin), chancel, youth and children's choirs did a marvelous Christmas program.
Audrey and Sophie singing the final song.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Last day of hiking

 Today was our last day of hiking in Sedona.  Yesterday we hiked in the rain up Wilson Canyon but gave up when it started to snow.
 Today we took the Huckabee trail down to Oak Creek.  It was very cold but the sun was out.
Another wonder week in Sedona.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hiking in Sedona

Today we hiked to the top of Bear Mountain.  It is really a climb and the view is great.
Reilly is check out where we came from.