Wednesday, August 29, 2012

K9 Competition

Reilly was happy to watch the K9 competition. Not sure who she was rooting for.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Beautiful Tucson

The weather has been great since we came home.  Rain storms on and off and reasonable cool temperatures.  It looks like we have probably seen the last of the rain for a while.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Vallecito Lake

This is a hike we took from Vallecito.  It was a beautiful hike up a very deep canyon of the Vallecito River.  At times we were up 200 feet above the river and after 2 and a half miles we made to the river.  We did have to hike back in a thumder storm but it was worth it.

Crested Butte

We camped on the Taylor River near Crested Butte.
This is the historic town of Crested Butte.  Very neat and fun to walk around.  The picture below is of an historic two story outhouse.  They needed the second story when the snow was 20 feet deep.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dog friendly Telluride

Telluride is the most dog friendly town that we have ever been in.  There are dogs everywhere.  In order to save miles of driving they have free Gondola rides from the ski village to the town and back up.  Every 5th car is dog friendly.  Reilly was not sure about it at first but adjusted quickly.  We rode down to town to hike Bear Creek.
It was a hard 5 mile hike but well worth the effort.

Monday, August 13, 2012


We started out this morning hiking the Waterfall trail.  Hiking in this area is either straight up or straight down and hiking over 10,000 feet is hard on the lungs but well worth the great views.
There are lots of dirt roads that are left over from the railroad days in this area.  We did a back road drive around Trout Lake and found this old water station and the trelles from those days.
Andy thought our morning hike was not enough so we hiked on the Lizard Head trail for a couple of miles.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Suday at church

We have spent three nights in this area and as we moved on closer to Telluride, we stopped back in Rico to go to church in a church that was built in 1897.  There were 25 of us at the service which was very good.  Today is the first time we have had internet so I had to catch up.

Little Bear Hike

Saturday we did a 5 mile hike on the Little Bear trail.  It was beautiful.
Lots of old growth aspen and fir trees.  We also came across a large field of thistles.

Dolores, Colorado

We are camped in a beautiful campground on the West Dolores River.  Friday we took a hike up the Geyser trail.  We had to cross the river first.
This is the only natural geyser in Colorado.  It really just boils alot every 40 minutes.  We did not go in...too much sulfer.
This is Rico.  A neat little town built about 1879.

On the road again

We left on Wed. August 8th and headed up to Greer for the night.  We had a great hike that afternoon before the rain hit.  We are heading up to Colorado.