Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hiking in Sedona Day 2

Today the dog has to be back to the kennel by 1pm so we needed to select a shorter hike. We went to the "Goosenecks". This is no longer in the hiking book so very few people know about it. Reilly always loves ot when our destination is water. The streams are really running high this year.


We have escaped to Sedona for the weekend and help get in shape for our 40 mile hike this summer. The Bell Trail was a great long hike we have done before.

This is the deep pool that is at the end of the hike at Bell Crossing

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Great-grandma's 98th Birthday

March is our birthday month. Grandma celebrated her 98th birthday and today is Audrey's 4th Birthday. Scott, Sophie, Rick and Tanya also have birthdays this month. Today we had Mom's 2 children and 4 grandchildren and 7 great-granddaughters here for the celebration.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Day at the Park

On our last day with Cole and Mackenzie we went to the park to play and ride bikes. The kids had a great time and I am not sure who wore out first.

Friday, March 2, 2012

California Grandkids

Andy and I are in California babysitting the grandkids. We spent the last two days putting together this trampoline for them (quite a job). Cole is having his therapy this afternoon and getting some outside time on the trampoline with Mackenzie. This has been a week for sure. Mom has been in and out of the hospital twice this week. Scott bailed her out the first time after she fell and cut her head and my brother came over from San Diego to get her out the second time. Bad timing with us in California. We have full time care-givers with her until we can get back on Sunday. She seems to be doing well now, thank God.