Friday, August 5, 2011

Home again....

This was the sunset on our last night at Jacob Lake. All good things must come to an end and we have had a wonderful three weeks. Time to get home and gear up for out next adventure.

Park City, Utah

We stopped at Park City to visit friends. We got to see Skip and Connie's summer condo and went to lunch with Chris and Donalee. The rain clouds came up in the afternoon but by the time we got to our campsite it cleared up. The wild flowers were beautiful.

Galena Pass, Idaho

At the top of Galena Pass (on the road to Sun Valley) we hike to this beaver pond. Very interesting.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sawtooth Mountains

We are up in the Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho near Stanley. The last time we were here was when we rafted the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, six or seven years ago. At that time we thought it would be great to use our kayak on the main Salmon. We were able to get a car shuttle and end our trip right at our campground at Mormon Bend.

This is 30 feet from our campground, where we pulled out of the river. This was Reilly's first river kayak (we usually do the lakes) and she was not sure at first if she liked the Class II rapids but adjusted soon.