Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hike in Sedona

Moday the kids went to Palatki to see the Indian ruins and Andy and I went hiking with Reilly. We went on the Hotloops trail which was really a hard hike but worth the view when we got to the top of the Mesa. We could see all the way to Jerome and out toward Cottonwood.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sedona with the kids

We are up in Sedona with Scott, Karin, Audrey and Sophie. As you can see by the way they are bundled up and the dark skies in the background it was a cold day with snow showers predicted. We were able to get in a hike before it started.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Craft Show in California

This weekend was our fall craft show in California. Sales were great and we had a good time seeing the kids and grandkids and also having a couple of dinners with good friends there. This is part of our display.