Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mission San Juan Capistrano

We are in California for Marshall and Kelsie's wedding. After a wonderful rehearsal dinner last night at Hapa J's we had the day free to do some sightseeing. It has been years since we went to the Mission in San Juan Capistrano. This mission was founded in 1776...amazing that something in California is that old. It was pretty much distroyed by an earthquake but they have done a great job preserving what is left.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July

Scott has spent the last 3 out of 4 weeks in Israel for work, so Karin and the girls spent the 4th with us. Audrey is really doing well with her swim lessons and is showing Graddaddy how she can swim.
This is Audrey squirting her mom.

Baby Sophie is really getting big and loves to smile.Grandaddy is enjoying his "girls"

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Duck Creek

Our second to last night was spent at Duck Creek. We had spent a week 7 years ago here with a large group of friends and really like the area.
Andy has had a great time on this trip taking pictures of a large variety of wildflowers. It seems that where ever we went the wildflowers were really in bloom. We moved on from Duck Creek to Pine Grove near Lake Mary (south of Flagstaff) for our last night. It has really been a great trip.

Highway 150 Utah

On Saturday morning the Varings and the Barkers left Park City for home and we picked up Reilly and headed back up Highway 150 to camp for a couple of nights at Lost Lake Campground. Most of the snow that we encountered the week before had melted but many of the campgrounds were still not opened including Lost Lake. We camped in a space outside of the gate and were right on the lake. We were able to kayak and hike some of the beautiful trails.
Reilly was glad to be out of the kennel and back in the trailer so she could hike and kayak. They loved her at the kennel and were sorry to see her go.