Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spring in Tucson

It is still early for spring but Friday was a beautiful day and the wildflowers are coming out. Andy and I took a day off and went for a hike in Catalina State Park up the Sutherland trail.
The streams are really rushing and we had to ford them 4 times on the way up.

Wilma the Wildcat & Audrey

Thursday night we took Scott, Karin & Audrey to the U of A women's basketball game. As you can see Audrey had a great time and enjoyed getting to know Wilma. Unfortunately the Cats lost.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Back at Lake Tahoe

We are back for another week of skiing at Northstar. It was a perfect day today but as you can see by the clouds coming in we are expecting snow tonight and tomorrow morning. This is the view from the top of the mountain looking west toward the lake.
The trees at the top of the mountain are still loaded with snow from the last storm and are beautiful.