Friday, July 24, 2009

Home in Tucson

We are home again after a wonderful trip. Time to get caught up again on the work around the house and get ready for our trip to Canada on August 6th. It was raining when we got home and was only 76 degrees but it looks like it will get hot this coming week.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Stehekin Valley Ranch

We have been out of internet contact for a couple of days while we were at the Stehekin Valley Ranch. It was a neat place where we were able to hike, bike, horseback ride and just relax. We had a great hike to Coon Lake and Agnes Gorge Trail. After another 3 hour ferry ride back to Chelan, we drove back to Seattle for a flight home today. It has been a super trip.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Biking & hiking in Stehekin

Today the five of us took the bicycles out for the day. Tom went fishing. We rode up the valley, stopping to see the original school house and the beautiful Rainbow Falls. Andy and I did an extension of the bicycle trip and went up another 3 miles and hiked the River Trail. As you can see from the top picture, we did a short cut to get back to the road for the trip home. This is a beautiful spot.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Lake Chelan and Stehekin

We took the ferry 50 miles up Lake Chelan today and are staying at Stehekin Landing for two nights. Then we move up river to the ranch. This is the view from our room right on the lake.

Friday, July 17, 2009

So long to the San Juans

We all took the ferry to Anacortes today and that is where we lost 4 of the group. The Borkowskis going on to Olympic NP and the Gillmans to North Cascades NP. The six of us traveled on to Wenatchee and leave tomorrow for Lake Chelan and Stehekin. We take the ferry 50 miles up river tomorrow. It has been a great trip so far and we are looking forward to the next adventure.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Last day of kayaking

We had a wonderful last day of kayaking. We were trying to see whales out in the channel but they did not cooperate. It was quite rough out there today. It did give us a chance to stop for lunch at British Camp. At one time there was a British Camp and an American Camp. This was also the site of the "Pig War" between the two camps. I included a picture that Pam took of Dillis when we were sailing yesterday. That gives you and idea of how to sail a kayak.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 2 in the San Juans

A second beautiful day of kayaking. We saw a beautiful bald eagle as we passed by the shore. We had a unique experience of "sailing" back today. Our guide has developed a sail that you can attach to the kayak paddles and if the wind is right you can sail...the wind was right today. What was quite a sight with a variety of different colored kayaks and sails. We also had a great hike through the end of the island at cattle point after lunch before sailing back.
We also have a picture of our great B & B...The Hillside House.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Kayaking in the San Juans

Our kayak group ( the Gillmans, Borkowskis, Fraziers, Barkers, and the Fiores) have traveled to the San Juan Islands for three days of kayaking. It is so beautiful here. We saw lots of seals and birds today...hoping for a whale sighting in the next couple of days. This is our third kayaking trip together. The previous ones being in Alaska and Maine.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Summer in Tucson

It has been a "cool" summer here so far and we have really enjoyed the clouds and rain. This was the view from our back yard last night.