Saturday, July 25, 2015

Shadow Lake Lodge

 The main goal of our trip to Canada was to hike in (9 miles) to the Shadow Lake Lodge.  We had one this hike 10 or 12 years ago and loved it.  This is the original lodge built in the 20's by the CPR.  they have added about 10 cabins for hike in guests.  The food is incredible.

 This is the view from our cabin.
 This is Shadow Lake.  You do have to hike 1 k to get to the lake.
The lake early in the morning.
 The next day we hiked to Gibbon Pass and Twin Lakes. 
The wildflowers just went on forever at the top of the pass.
Andy at the top of the pass.  One more day of hiking the next day to Ball Pass.  On Friday we hiked out and drove back to Calgary for the flight home the next morning.  Another wonderful trip.

Lake Louise

 On Monday we hiked out of Lake Louise to the Inn of 6 glaciers.  It is fun to hike that far and get to a tea house.


We have flown up to Canada for some intense hiking.  This is the lakes at Sunshine Ski Area.
 The wildflowers are incredible.
 One of the things I love about wildflowers in Canada is the variety of colors of Indian Paintbrush.  They come in white, yellow, pink, red, scarlet and many others.
On Sunday we hiked to Twin Falls and Laughing Falls, a 10 mile trek.