Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas 2015

 Christmas Eve

 Audrey as a shepherd in the Christmas play.
 Karin in the orchestra.
Christmas Day

Sunday, October 18, 2015

1 Mission trip to Mexico

 Every year we partner up with Pantano Christian to build house in Rocky Point.  The first day we pour the slab and start framing the walls
 .Day two the walls go up.  It was really hot this year making work extra hard.
 Stuccoing the walls first coat.
 Dedication of the house for this family.
 Finished house with second coat of stucco.
Our great crew.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Historic Pohatan Resort & Art Museum

 This was a fife and drum demonstration where we are staying.
Furniture at the Art Museum

Jamestown Settlement

 Replicas of the first three ships that came into Jamestown.
 The tour of this was wonderful.  They have a great museum and outdoor displays.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

James River Plantations

 Westover Plantation
 Shirley Plantation
 Dove house at Shirley
 Berkeley Plantation
We enjoyed our trip to see plantations on Thursday so much we took Sue back to view them again.  There is so much history here.  9 of the first 11 Presidents were in this area.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Williamsburg area

 Williamsburg craftsman
 Berkeley Plantation site of the "real" first Thanksgiving
Westover Plantation

Kayaking Onancock Virginia

 We traveled to Onancock Virginia with our kayak group.
 We had a super guide.
 A break to check out some of the flora.
 We had 2 great days of kayaking before we were stopped by the bad weather coming up the coast.

On Tuesday night we took a boat to see the Chincoteague ponies.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Heading Home

 We left Utah on Monday after a couple of more days of great hiking in the Unita's.  Just as we were getting to a campsite we had our first flat tire on the trailer in 8 years.  Fixed it and were on our way quickly.
 We did three different hikes on the Arizona trail.
This was a hike to Kinder Crossing.  It was a beautiful spot but as you can see it was spoiled by the smoke from a controlled fire in the area.
Another super trip comes to an end.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Hiking in Park City

 Hiking at the top of Guardsman Pass
 Hiking on the Armstrong Trail
Friday Morning hike with part of our Bible Study Group and celebrating Connie's birthday.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Park City

 Monday we rode 36 miles on "E" bikes.  It was really fun going up the hills with an assist.
This is the view from a trail above our condo.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Notch Lake

 Clegg Lake
 Notch Lake
 We came across a whole herd of the mountain sheep.

 Bench Lake

Utah Hiking

 Long Lake
 Duck Lake
 Island Lake
My birthday hike included hike to all of these lakes.  It was a beautiful day for a hike.