Monday, July 29, 2013

Home again

We arrived home today to lots of growth in the garden.  These Mexican Bird of Paradise grew at least 4 feet the month of July.  We have had at least 2 to 3 inches of rain since we left and everything looked great.  We have a couple of weeks to catch up before the kayak trip to Oregon.

Friday, July 26, 2013

ATV on the Weber River Valley

We went ATVing in a new area this year.  This is in the Weber River Valley

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Bike riding

Thursday morning part of the group went to Salt Lake City and Andy and I went bike riding.

Zip lining and rafting

 Zip lining on Tuesday afternoon....
Rafting the Provo river canyon on Wednesday.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sightseeing and fishing

 We got Reilly out of the kennel today and did some sightseeing.
 Tom was finally successful with his fishing.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Deer Valley Hike

 Sue, Andy and I hiked from the top of Deer Valley to the Silver Lake Lodge.

Park City

We have arrived in Park City.  On Friday we had dinner with our friends Skip, Connie, Donalee and Chris at Windy Ridge.  It was great to see them again.  On Saturday we checked into the Miners Club for a week with Sue, Tom, Wendy and Joe our friends from California.  Jasper, Susie and family checked in on Saturday night celebrating their 50th Anniversary.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Notch Lake hike

 Friday we hiked to Notch Lake. 

Hwy 150 Park City

 We arrived Wed. at Lost Creek Campground on Hwy 150.  Once we got set up we had a 4 hour downpour but got up to clear skies on Thursday and did the Pass Loop hike.  We had done this one about 15 years ago and it is still beautiful.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Grand Mesa

 On our way to Grand Junction we took a trip up to Grand Mesa.  It is said to be the largest mesa in the world. It was just beautiful and we have put it on our list to come back to.
 One of the residents.
There must be 20 lakes up here.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Vallecito Lake

 We stayed at Vallecito Campground last August but could not hike very far up the river coming into the lake due to the weather.  This time we hiked past the first bridge over the canyon.  We still got caught in a rain storm on the last mile back to camp.  This is a beautiful hike with narrow canyons trails 200 feet above the river and then back down to the river.
 This is a view of the river in the campground.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Lower Ice Basin

 This hike to lower Ice Basin is probably the hardest hike I have done.  It was 17,000 feet gain and ended at 11,600 feet.  It was well worth the effort.
 Beautiful wildflowers again.

Little Molas Lake to the Colorado Trail

Thursday we hike on the Colorado Trail above the tree line.  The views were amaszing.

Post Creek Hike

 On Wed. we move to Molas Lake.  We will be here for three nights.
 This is the start of the hike up Pass Creek.  These wildflowers are about 4 feet high.
 This is up at the top by Engineer Peak and a sample of the wildflowers.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

On the road again

 We have taken the trailer out again and arrived at Haviland Lake on Monday.  This is a picture of the lake at night.  We have a great spot here.
 Tuesday we hiked the Lime Creek trail.  It gets up to 10,700 feet but it is a beautiful trail with lots of wildflowers and waterfalls.
 Getting near the top.
This is where we ate lunch....beautiful.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy 4th of July

The girls are checking out the smoke bombs before we went to see the fireworks at the top of the hill at El Conquistador Resort.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Monsoon weather

 The monsoon finally came to us today.  We had over a third of an inch of rain making for a beautiful sunset over our mountains