Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Audrey and Sophie getting ready to Trick or Treat
Together with Mom

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Crafty Ladies Show

 We are in California this weekend for the Crafty Ladies show.  We were maxed out with vendors for this show and here are a couple aisles before the crowd arrived.  The weather is perfect and looks like it will be a good show.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fight On USC Trojans

Andy and I flew to Los Angeles this morning for the USC game.  The space shuttle is housed in this building after it's trip from the airport.  They still have a little work to do before opening it to the public.
We always enjoy the games and the band.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Grizzly Bear Ranch

This was our first afternoon of bear watching.  It was a mom and two 2 year old cubs.
This was the second morning of bear watching.
One of the cubs.
Andy and I on an afternoon hike in the Selkirks.
 The Bald Eagles on our raft trips down the river were incredible.  We must of seen 30 or 40.