Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Atlanta Aquarium

Tuesday, we went to the Atlanta Aquarium.  It is one of the premier aquariums in the U.S.  It was well worth the trip.  Great exhibits.
This was one of the South African penguins.
A Lion fish, one of many in the tank.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Helen, GA

Today we drove to Helen, Georgia.  It is a neat little town with an alpine feel.  One of the big things to do here is to float down the Chattahoochee River on a tube.  We had lunch at a restaurant right on the river and watched the floaters navigate down the rocks.
After lunch we drove to Anna Ruby Falls.  A short hike to the base of the falls was well worth it.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Atlanta, GA

Friday, we flew to Atlanta to meet Pam & Dillis Frazier and have a few days of fun and go to the Atlanta Gift Market.
Saturday we went to the world of Coke.  It was lots of fun and very interesting with lots of information about the history of coke

Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July

It was too late to keep the girls up for the fireworks so we did our own in the backyard.  This was one of the smoke bombs.
Afterward we roasted marshmellows.
We had had a good rain in the afternoon and the temperature on got up to 85.  While we were outside that evening this was the view.  A good end to a good day.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Time with the granddaughters

We have been home for a week and Monday night we picked up the girls.  They will stay with us for the next ten days while Scott and Karin are traveling in Europe.  Steve and Randa will come down next Wednesday and keep the girls for the next week.
Wed. (4th of July) they went to a "Princess" birthday party.  Here they are with Melanie and Sarah before the party
Lunch out with Granddaddy.