Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rock Creek Hike

We left on Tuesday morning and drove to Wrightwood, CA.  We moved on on Wednesday to the Rock Creek area near Bishop CA.  We have been in this area 4 years ago and love the hiking.  This year did not disappoint us. 
This is the most beautiful hiking area we have been in outside of Canada.  There are many lakes and great views.
Andy and Reilly topping a hill above one of the lakes.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mary Poppins with Audrey

Wednesday night we took Audrey to see Mary Poppins.  It was a great play with lots of action and color.  Very enjoyable.  She made it all the way through but it was a late night for a 4 year old.  She brought M & M's for granddaddy.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Highline Trail

Friday, we went to see the Tonto Creek Fish Hachery and then hiked the Highline Trail to the Horton Creek Springs again.  We thought that we had a difficult hike on Thursday, but this one is one of the hardest hikes we have ever done.  It was only 7.5 miles round trip, but went up and down some really steep rocky hills.  We did the 8 mile round trip hike in 4 hours but this one took us 5.5 hours. In the picture below Reilly can not figure out why it takes Andy so long to cross a log bridge on Tonto Creek.

Payson, AZ

Thursday was our 37th Anniversary and we drove to Payson to pick up our trailer from the Gick's storage yard.  We celebrated by hiking to Horton Springs up the Horton Creek Trail.  It was 4 miles straight up but well worth the effort.  The spring comes right out of the mountain.  We were encouraged to hike back down by the thunder and a few raindrops.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Mom and Pam Frazier

We took Mom and her "adopted" daughter Pam out for dinner at China Phoenix restaurant.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Veit Springs Trail in Flagstaff

Thursday we headed back up to Flagstaff and hiked the Veit Springs Trail.  There is remains of a cabin that Ludwig Veit built in 1892 near a couple of springs.  It was really a neat hike.

Brins Mesa and the Peep Holes

 We have hiked up Brins Mesa 5 or 6 times but have never been able to find the way to the Peep Holes.  It is no longer a marked trail.  It was a scramble straight up the mountain to the left of Brins Mesa.  It was well worth the effort but I doubt that we would do it again.  After we made it down we headed up Brins Mesa for lunch.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hiking Flagstaff

We drove up to Flagstaff on Tuesday for an 8 mile hike on Schultz Creek Trail.  It was nice and cool and the pine forrest was beautiful.

Wildflowers in Sedona

 We are up for our second spring trip to Sedona.  We are a little later in the year than usual and there seem to be more wildflowers this year.