Saturday, July 30, 2011

East of Mt. Rainier

We spent two nights in the Bumping Lake area east of Mt. Rainier. We spent the morning kayaking all around the lake. The weather was perfect.

In the afternoon we drove to Boulder Cave. We hiked back to the cave where we were able to hike 350 feet through the cave that was carved by a stream to the outlet. The cave is closed Nov. to April for the big eared bats that nest there.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mt. Hood

This is the view of Mt. Hood from our campsite on Timothy Lake where we were able to kayak even though the wind ccame up and we had a hard time coming back to camp.

After our kayak trip, we drove up to Timberline Lodge. What an interesting place. It was build in the 30's by 500 WPA workers. They built it in 18 months and did everything including the furniture and furnishings. The carving and metal work was incredible. FDR dedicated it in Sept. of 1939. They ski here all year long.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

McKenzie Secnic Loop

On Tuesday we took the scenic loop. We hiked to Proxy Falls. Very unusual and beautiful.

This is in the middle of a volcanic area and the Observatory was build by the CCC. You can see 360 degrees from the top. Mt. Washington, the Three Sisters, etc.

As we neared the end of the loop we stopped at Fish Lake to kayak. This lake is at the top of the pass and fills as the snow melts and makes a beautiful lake and then disappears later in the summer.

This is a picture of the forest service cabin on the lake as it appeared in 1921.

This is a picture that we took when we stopped by while kayaking.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ice Cap Creek

We got a brief look at these falls three years ago on our way through Oregon but it was late at night. This time we camped near the area and were able to hike from the lower Koosah Falls above to Sahalie Falls (below). Today we took the loop from our camp to Sister and around and will post pictures the next time we get internet coverage.

Sahalie Falls

Salt Creek Falls

On our way to the McKenzie area we stop at Salt Creek Falls. It is the second highest falls in Oregon. A beautiful sight.

Waldo Lake

We spent the night at Waldo Lake. I have never seen a lake that clear and clean before.

We had a great kayak to some beautiful islands. The mosquitos we bad in the morning and evening but it was a beautiful place.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Klamath Falls, Oregon

The White Pelican is the town symbol of Klamath Falls. They are beautiful birds and we saw them for the first time last year at Fishlake, Utah. They can have a wing span of up to 10 feet.

Northern California/ Oregon

We spent two nights in the area around Mt. Shasta. Last night we stayed near the town of McCloud where there is a 6 mile loop that goes along the McCloud River. There are 3 different waterfalls along this loop with great hiking trails.

We are in Klamath Falls tonight doing the wash and some shopping. We move on tomorrow to central Oregon and will probably be out of contact again.

On the Road Again

We have been out of internet contact since we left home and will not try to catch up. This is Woods Lake near Lake Tahoe where we tried to camp but as you can see it was still snowed in. We were able to camp near by in a beautiful area.

Our second night we spent in Kings Canyon at the north end where the Grant Grove is. It was a beautiful campground and very quiet.

This is on the road to Cedar Grove a beautiful area that we had never been in before.

We spent the first night in Wrightwood, California at Table Mountain. This was an interesting old building there at the visitor center.

Campground number one.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Time with the Granddaughters

Audrey is giving Sophie a shower in the pool. Scott and Karin are getting well deserved break this summer spending 4 days in Las Vegas. The girls have been with us. What a blessing.