Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Weekend

Jim, Heather, Cole and Mackenzie came over on Friday for the weekend. Saturday we all went to the park for water play. Cole loved it, the girls were more hesitant but had a good time.

Cole is a happy camper.

Sophie enjoyed the slide.

After the park and lunch we went to La Encantada for the toy store Easter egg hunt. The girls got ears and their faces painted to look like Easter Bunnies.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

California Craft Show

Andy and I went to California to participate in the "Crafty Ladies" show that I have been part of for 30 years. As you can see Andy has become an honorary Crafty Lady and sells lots of his woodwork and rocks. It was really cold in California but it did not rain for the show. We also had lots of fun visiting with the kids and grandkids and friends while we were there.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Weekend in Sedona

Rattlesnake Canyon...on our way up to Sedona we hiked down Rattlesnake Canyon (not a very welcoming name is it). At the bottom there is a 30 foot waterfall and lots of running water still.
Reilly is hoping I have a cookie for her after the hike down.
On Saturday, we hiked up a side canyon of Loy Canyon. We would not have know this was here except last month when we hiked the canyon we saw a group of archeology students head up this direction. We decided to explore it today and found lots of pictographs and ruins.