Sunday, February 27, 2011

More Snow????

We have been home for a week catching up on things and got up this morning to a half and inch of snow in the backyard, more in the local mountains. We leave tomorrow for Sedona where they got 2 to 3 inches of snow but it looks like it will be a good week for hiking. We have really seen the snow this winter.

Monday, February 21, 2011

8 Feet Of Snow

The snow started on Tuesday night and by the time we left on Saturday morning we had had 8 feet of snow. After digging the two cars out we did not have any trouble driving out and got everyone to the Reno airport on time and then Andy and I drove home. We stopped Saturday night in Vegas and got to have dinner with our friends Dick and Barb Muhlhauser. It even snowed driving through Kingman on Sunday morning.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Another White Out

We have had 4 feet of snow so far (maybe more). We did go out this morning and skiied for a couple of hours before it got too deep. Scott said that this was the second time (including yesterday) that he had to quit due to safety reasons (he could not see). After lunch Granddaddy and Karin took Audrey put to play. It is hard to make a snow angel in four feet of fresh powder. We hope we will be able to get out Saturday morning.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Snow Day

A huge storm came in Tuesday night after a beautiful sunny day on Tuesday. We did not ski today but Scott took out his snowboard and said that it was so thick that he just had to go straight down the mountain (no turns) in order to get through the deep powder snow. We took Audrey out about noon to make snow angels. As you can see it was deep.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Next generation learns to ski

We are up at Lake Tahoe with Scott and family and Karin's parents, Steve and Randa. Here are Scott, Karin and baby Sophie getting ready to go sledding on Sunday afternoon. On Monday afternoon we took Audrey up on skis for a short lesson. She did really well for her first time.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ice in Arizona

Compared to the rest of the country we have nothing, but for us this is something we never see. We are suppose to have a 100 year record low for the high temperature today. Even with the fountain running it froze.