Friday, June 25, 2010

Biking & Zip lines

We finished up our week together in Park City with a great bike ride and a run down the extreme zip line (over 50 miles an hour in about 45 seconds) and the alpine slide at the Olympic Park. We have had a wonderful time together and Andy and I will be heading on home with a few more nights of camping and hiking.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wasatch Moutain Travels

This morning we took Tom up to Smith Morehouse Lake to fish while we went kayaking with Reilly again.
At lunch we met up with the rest of the group and traveled up Highway 150 for some sightseeing. This is Provo Falls. All of the streams and lakes are full and running high.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mountain ATV'ing

Today we took a 30 mile ATV trip through the mountains and valleys behind Deer Creek Lake.
This is the nice clean crew....
We got up to the top for some great views and then went down the other side of the mountain for some beautiful rides through the meadows and across streams. Needless to say a shower was needed by all.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kayaking and Hiking

Tuesday Andy and I picked up Reilly from the kennel and went kayaking on Smith Morehouse lake and then went for a hike in the afternoon. The rest of the crew went into Salt Lake to sightsee.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Horseback Riding

On Monday, Sue, Andy and I went horseback riding with an outfitter that we have ridden with before. They also own the U Bar (wilderness ranch) that we stayed at 9 years ago with the Barker family. It was a beautiful ride.

Park City

After our hike on Saturday morning we drove into Park City to meet our friends, Jim & Vicki Varing and Sue and Tom Barker. We all meet at the Miners Club where we have a beautiful 3 bedroom 4 bath condo that we will stay in for a week. This picture was taken on Sunday at the street fair on Main Street Park City.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Shingle Creek Hike

Friday night we spent the night up on Senic Highway 150. On Saturday morning we went for a beautiful hike up Shingle Creek.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Little Bear Canyon

We have been out of internet connection for the last week so we will have quite a few new posts. This was one of our last campgrounds before we made it to Park City to meet with friends. This campground was so isolated that we were the only ones in it except for the fox we met. We were parked right next to this creek.

White Pelicans at Fish Lake

When we camped at Fish Lake we were in the middle of a wind storm. So we did some touring around in the car. We came across this flock of White Pelicans. They come inland to mate and they were feeding on the fish that we coming down a stream into the lake.

Calf Creek Falls

This is a famous stop on Highway 12 in Utah. We camped for the night here and did the 6 mile hike to see this falls.

Mossy Cave

On our way our of Red Canyon we stopped at a place called Mossy Cave and hiked to the waterfall and the cave. This is on the back side of Brycde.

Red Canyon Hiking

We stayed two nights at Red Canyon, which is just west of Bryce Canyon. This is the Arches trail.
We went on three different hikes (a total of 11 miles) and never saw another hiker. The trails were beautiful and great views.

Snow Storm at the Canyon

This is what our campsite looked like after the snow storm we had this afternoon. Luckly after we had about 3 to 4 inches of snow the sun came out and we were able to drive back to the rim for the sunset.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Cape Final Hike

Saturday we hiked to Cape Final, a beautiful hike and great views. We left camp at 6:45am and as you can see the weather was beautiful. We had thunderstorms and rain for most of the night.
As you can see the weather is starting to change and we ended up in hail and snow, enough to make the ground white. It was the perfect time to go into the village and shower and do the wash.

Hiking the North Rim Grand Canyon

Friday we hiked to Widforss Point (10 miles round trip). It is reputed to be the best view from the North Rim and it lived up to its billing. A great panorama.

Kayaking at Crescent Lake

Wednesday morning we gat a chance to go kayaking before the wind came up. We had a great time and saw lots of birds and ducks. Later in the day we went hiking.
This was our campsite at Winn Campground. We were all by ourselves and it was beautiful.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Camping in the White Mountains

This was a hike we took along the West Fork of the Black River. It was just beautiful