Saturday, January 23, 2010

Winds in Tucson

Thursday night we got the tail end of the storms that have been hitting California. At about 8pm we had a micro burst hit us with the resulting damage. This was one of my favorite trees because I looked at it from my second story office. We also a lot of roof damage and other broken tree limbs, but all in all we did fine. We will just have to plant another one.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


We are spending the first week of the year skiing at Tahoe. You will notice that we have finally broken down and purchased helmets. We decided that we could not ask the grandkids to wear them if we were not. They are surprising comfortable and keep your ears warm.

As you can see this is a perfect week to be skiing. The weather is great and Andy took this picture at about 10am and the slopes are nearly empty.